PRODUCT REVIEW: Osmia Organics Detox Exfoliating Mask



\ˈrē-ˌtäks, ri-ˈtäks\

To pollute one’s body following a state of clean living.

This definition isn’t from Webster’s Dictionary – silly me made it up.  I don’t even think the word RETOX exists but no two syllables better define my June 2015.  Good times had for sure, with extra special thanks to my college girls’ reunion weekend. However, it was a month fueled by excess – too much wine, coffee, stress, and dietary no-no’s (I’m looking your way, sugar and gluten) with not enough exercise, sleep, routine, or, let’s face it, self-control.  My whole system was screaming from this retoxification; my complexion not excluded from the madness.

Thank goodness the doctor is always IN.

Did you know the green beauty world has its own M.D.?  Dr. Sarah Villafranco is the founder of Colorado-based Osmia Organics and the exemplifier of intelligent beauty. When the good doctor could not find products to treat her own skin woes, she decided to make them herself.  It’s quite telling when a physician refuses to use what her own peers recommend, which happen to be products containing petrochemicals, phthalates, artificial coloring, parabens, etc., produced by Big Beauty and Big Pharma.  See?  I told you she was a smarty pants.  The synergy of Sarah’s medical training, ethics, determination, passion, strive for quality, and above all, sense of humor, led to the birth of Osmia Organics.  I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah in NYC and she truly embodies all these things, with a clear and genuine concern for our health and environment. And she’s also cool as hell (forgive the oxymoron).  Sarah is the kind of gal you’d love to have a drink with. So I did.

(note to reader: ONE drink. Dr. Sarah was in no way responsible for AND/OR an influence on my state of retoxification.)

I love many things about Osmia Organics, including but not limited to the company’s strong sense of integrity, the quality of ingredients, and the intelligence of the products’ formulas.  Every ingredient has a reason for its presence in a formula. A true purpose. Osmia Organics is not a company who throws everything but the kitchen sink into a product.  And believe me, there are pseudo-smart skincare companies who do. Osmia Organics also happens to possess a talent for blending unique and mesmerizing scents and fragrances. Product-wise, I could go on and on about their soaps and body oils but today I am here to tell you about the Detox Exfoliating Mask.  It’s the mask that took my skin from Retox to Detox and one of the best you’ll find in green beauty.


WHAT IT IS: Osmia Organics Detox Exfoliating Mask


I’m not mad, I’m a recovering Retoxer.

SENSORY: This mask is a deep espresso-hued powder with a hint of earthiness to the nose.  I love the frosted bottle as it keeps the product fresh and easy to store. Osmia Organics Detox Exfoliating Mask allows you to play alchemist by blending it with water in the included ceramic bowl (Love! No one should be mixing mask in a Tupperware – that’s sacrilege.).  Once applied, the wet mask is black and totally badass.  Just ask the UPS guy who caught a glimpse of me sporting it when I opened the front door.  Yes, this mask feels so good you’ll forget it’s on your face.  Whoops.

FUNCTION: Osmia Organics Detox Exfoliating Mask flaunts some mighty powerful ingredients, including a trio of clays, Manuka honey, walnut powder, raw cacao, and activated bamboo charcoal.  This mask does what it says by thoroughly detoxing the skin. Once you are ready to rinse, gently use your fingers to exfoliate your face with a wee bit of water. The result is a complexion that glows.  If your skin could speak, it would say, “Ahhhhhh“.  I’m not usually one for clay masks as I find them drying, but this mask draws out impurities while imparting moisture.

Osmia Organics will be at A Night for Green Beauty 2015 #ANFGB, which you can read all about here.  You might spot me huffing a bottle of their latest product, the Himalayan Body Buff.  This #scrubjunkie can’t help herself.  If you can’t stop by in Chicago, do stop by their website.

Ever have a RETOX moment yourself? I CAN’T be the only one…what do you do to get back into DETOX mode?  


Photos courtesy of Osmia Organics and my iPhone 

6 thoughts on “PRODUCT REVIEW: Osmia Organics Detox Exfoliating Mask

    • Hi Lynda! Interesting that “retox” is indeed a word! Where or how did you find out? I checked in with Dr. Sarah from Osmia and unfortunately there are no current UK stockiest. However, she is working on it! I hope Osmia makes it to your side of the pond soon. Where in the UK are you? Thank you for reading and taking the time to post. 🙂

      • You’re welcome! There was pop-up near where I used to work that offered a ‘Detox or Retox’ menu! I’m in lovely London, despite being one of the largest cities on earth our options for a lot of green beauty brands are still very limited and expensive.

      • The name of that pop-up is hilarious. London is a city close to my heart – I lived there for awhile during college and loved it so. I actually am in the works to lead a tour of London and the countryside for summer 2017. Too bad London is so behind on the green beauty scene. If you’d like, email me at for some options.

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